Function Introduction

It includes the introduction of each function module of Data Hunter, and the implementation effect.

Hunter consists of five modules, namely: acquisition task, acquisition template, custom application, application template, account center.

Collection task

Collection tasks include historical collection tasks and new collection tasks.

  1. Add: When a user selects a new collection template, click Add to create a new collection template.

After you enter the customization template page, enter the collection link and press Enter. In addition, users can also choose to use the "AI Assistant" function to complete the establishment of collection tasks by talking to the AI.

On the collection template creation page, you can view the following elements: Task name modification, editing mode, AI customization scheme, Start recording, save, input required content, and recommendation selection box.

  • Task name: You can change the name of the collection task.

  • Edit mode: You can turn off edit mode when you need to click on an element or enter a verification code.

  • AI assistant: Talk with AI to describe user collection needs, and AI completes collection scheme customization (this function consumes AI points).

  • AI customization scheme: Select the required collection area, input the collection content with text, click the AI customization scheme, and AI completes the development of the collection scheme.

  • Start recording: When the user needs to perform other operations on the page, click Start recording, and the system will automatically simulate and repeat the user's actions.

  • Enter the requirement content: The user can enter the collection requirement here.

  • Edit collection script, edit page-turning script: This javascript is automatically generated by AI, and can be modified to achieve detailed control of the process. (To apply this feature, the user needs to have a certain programming foundation.)

  • Number of page turns: Users can modify the number of page turns according to their needs.

  • Save login status: After this function is enabled, users do not need to log in to the required website repeatedly.

  • Url list: Enter the same type of URL, can be multiple, input URL can be collected at the same time.

  • Url parameter: Replace the URL parameter, change the link replaceable department to {0}, 0 is the replaceable parameter.

  1. Batch delete: Select the collection tasks to be deleted and click Batch Delete to delete the tasks.

  1. Timing: You can set the timing start function for a collection task. After you set the start time, the task will automatically start and capture operations will be performed at the specified time.

  1. Data: After the data collection task is completed, all the data will be displayed here, and users can click to enter the view. Data content includes: data filtering, data processing and upload API functions.

4.1、Data filtering includes AI filtering (paid functionality) and custom filtering.

  • The AI filtering feature allows the user to describe the data processing requirements by text and is processed by AI. This feature costs AI points.

For example, a user can enter "Goods are priced above $10" as a filter.

After deleting the requirement description text, click OK and the data will be restored to its original state.

  • Custom filters: Allows users to add multiple filters to filter out the desired data.

For example, users can set "Price greater than 100" as a filter.

After deleting the filter, click Save and the data will be restored to the state before the filter.

4.2、Data processing includes clearing data and exporting data.

  • Clear data: The Clear data function clears all data in the collection task. Please note that once the data has been emptied, it cannot be recovered.

  • Export data: Allows users to export data in Excel, CSV, and other formats, or import it to other collection tasks.

  • Import a collection task: Allows users to use this data as a collection source for other collection tasks.

  • Upload Settings: Users can upload data to other API interfaces or low-code platforms.

  • Upload Remaining data: uploads the data that has not been uploaded in the collection task.

  1. Operations include executing, editing, copying, deleting, and uploading templates.

  • Execute: The collection task starts to collect data.

  • Edit: Enter the collection task and modify it as required.

  • Copy: Replicates the collection task.

  • Delete: Deletes the collection task.

  • Upload template: Upload the completed template.

Acquisition Template

The collection template contains all the collection templates, download the template, and use it directly.

Custom Applications

Users can create custom applications based on requirements. Tap "+" and enter the application name and description.

User-defined applications include data processing, setting collection rules, and executing collection tasks.

Data processing includes importing data, clearing data, exporting data, and deleting data in batches.

  • Import data: You can select Mingdao Cloud, Excel, or other collection tasks to import data.

  • Clear data: Clear all imported data.

  • Export data supports data export to low-code platforms or other applications, as well as the option to export in tabular form.

  • Batch delete: Select the data to be deleted.

Set collection rules:Select an item in the collection task as a reference item based on user requirements.

Execute a collection task: Click Execute Collection Task. The system automatically synchronizes data and executes collection.

Application template

The application template contains multiple applications. Users can download and use the template directly.

Account Center

Account center is the user AI points consumption and display interface. Includes remaining points, AI points consumption changes, consumption time, consumption type. The number of points consumed varies depending on the AI function.

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